I also have a video I would love to get on here of him playing...and when I get it figured out, I'll post it.
I told Taylor I was going to post on here that he's not "perfect"! Everybody sends me comments about how great he is...
I'm lauging at him as I post this. He definately has his flaws! But I guess we all do. He did stay up all night the other night playing Playstation3, and thats happened more than once. He insanely competitive, but so am I (I'm sure Kinsey would have been more competitive than the two of us put together!).
He has quite a quick temper when he wants to....but usually settles down pretty quick. If I could just teach him how to cook and clean the house...I would be in business!
He is a great husband...one I can do things with, and one that I can just sit around and be bored with if we want. But one thing is definate... Kinsey would have had a great Daddy here on earth. Insanely protective, fun to do things with...and one that loved her more than I could have ever imagined I would see.
Taylor will be reading this I'm sure....since he just asked me why I was typing so much! But when he does, he will just see that after everything we have been through...I can't imagine ever not having him be the one by my side.
Hey Kristi,I just wanted you to know that I remembered Kinsey in a really beautiful place yesterday. I was visiting Emmaus Retreat Center out from Satartia, Mississippi. It was the No Mistake Plantation house, built in the 1830s. As I walked through the beautiful old house, I felt a happy presence, and Kristi - I saw ladybugs! All over the place! Inside, in the breakfast nook and upstairs, in a beautiful bedroom! They are planning to rename the upstairs bedroom the "Ladybug Room." I found a picture of the room on their website (I entered the link below.) Once on it, click on one of the photos to enter the website. Once in the site, on the right, under Accommodations, you will see "The Main House." Click on that. The room where I thought of Kinsey is in Photos 19 and 20 of 22.
Emmaus is a beautiful place, and Sandy and Brandon Spain are lovely people. They have prayed for me in my path through grief, and I know they would for you too. Click on Prayer Ministry to learn more about it.
You can see my personal photos of Emmaus at http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2010005&l=4ad47&id=1161636632. I didn't take a picture of the Ladybug Room, though - I felt it was more appropriate to just enjoy the happy calm.
Fran Stallings Peacock
Kristi, I've enjoyed seeing all the pictures. Every time I see your mom and dad I smile. Your dad has always made me laugh. I remember the time they tricked me into eating deer meat. What a day.
I've kept you in my thoughts and prayers. It sounds like you have a wonderful husband! The ladybugs and the butterflies... just amazing. I'm sure Kinsey looks down and smiles at y'all all the time.
Hi Kristy!
I was just checking in on your blog. It was nice to see you so happy in those pics. Tell Taylor he looks like a nerd in that hat! Hee Hee. Well I love you and I admire your strength. I'll keep praying for you until the cows come home sister!!
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