We've made it to 5 days with Grayson. He is truly a miracle baby. Our time with him has been the best time of our lives. His cry is getting stronger, he is tolerating 20 cc of feedings now, and he is even trying to lift up his little head. I never thought any of that would happen.
Little man's 5 day party was pretty laid back. Mornings have not been his favorite. Seems the past couple days he's been really fussy between 9 and 12. It usually subsides, but this morning was a little worse. When he cries he doesn't breathe well and his color goes from pink to purple. The defects in his heart can attest for a lot of his oxygen problems, but it doesn't help Mommy and Daddy much when he's in the middle of a fussy spell.
Here's to you Grayson. You made 5 days longer than most said you would. Keep proving everyone wrong. Keep being an exception to the rule. Keep people guessing as to how you do what you do. Keep on kickin buddy. We love you!
Gray Man gets 2 monkeys today... No real explanation for that, but he deserves it. He gets the last monkey... I mean Minkey, from Jennifer and Ashley's midnight monkey run and he also gets another sock monkey from his Aunts Kim, Lisa, and Snady. That's right it's Aunt Snady, not Aunt Sandy. It's a long story and you would just have to know her... She would probably say it should be Aunt Skimmy rather than Aunt Kim as well. Either way, we love them as much as they love the little man. Happy 5 days with more to come.

Happy Five Day Birthday to your little man! I've been checking your blog all day, waiting for a post. I'm so glad you are getting this time with him.
So happy you are getting this time with your precious little one. Thoughts & prayers for your family.
Happy 5 Day Birthday Gray man!! So glad you are getting to spend so much time with mommy and daddy! Still praying
Tina Ennis
Happy Birthday Grayson!! I just wanted you to know that my sister is a social worker and she has a 5 year old child on her caseload that has Trisomy 18 ~ she thinks he is the oldest living child in Canada with Trisomy 18......thanks be to God!
Praying for Grayson and for you...his parents.
Praise the Lord!!! Happy Birthday Grayson!! I have a monkey I would like to send to Grayson...where do I need to mail it to? I am so happy you all are getting this precious time with your little man. Praying you have many more happy days ahead.
Happy Birthday to Grayson! I came to your blog from "Waiting for Happy." I'm looking forward to seeing many more monkeys!
Happy 5 day birthday little Gray Man! I love the monkey pictures and look forward to seeing another one tomorrow. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your mommy and daddy. You are quite the little miracle!
humbling that God has allowed you to take part in this miracle. thank you for sharing.
Happy 5 days Grayson! I will continue to pray for you! Keep kicking little buddy! Since I fully belive your little man can/will make it. At what point could they do surgery on him? When hes' big enough is it possible to repair his heart? I'm sorry I just don't know much about Trisomy's.
Happy day #5 lil' Grayson! You are truly a gift!
God bless you Kristi and Taylor! Thinking of you often, and praying for you all.
~Donna Williams
I know that everyday you spend with Grayson is a gift from God. Keep on loving him and being strong for him. Whisper in his little ears, how much Jesus loves him. Praise God for 5 days!!!
Your little miracle man is still with you...he such a special boy. I am so glad he is getting to know his mom and dad on this side of heaven. Praying for you and your time with your son.
Maybe a little hope...My stepmom has an aunt, her son was diagnosed with trisomy 18 at 5 years old. They told her he wouldnt have more than a few weeks maybe months to live and he lived to be 18 years old. With lots of love and prayers, hopefully Grayson can be with you and your family longer than what the doctors and experts are expecting, afterall, noone truely knows except God. God bless you all and happy 5 day birthday Grayson!!!
praying for Grayson and your sweet family!
Happy five day birthday Mr. Gray Man!!! Such a cutie! You are all in my heart and mind all day long!! Praying and celebrating each day with you!!!
Hugs from Indiana
Your updates make me smile! Keep fighting little guy!! There are lots of people out there rooting for ya!!
Happy 5 Day Birthday little Gray man! I am so happy that you are all getting this time together as a family! Please know there are lots of prayers coming your way from South Carolina!
What a cutie pie!!!!!
Stay strong Grayson
What a little miracle man. The pictures you are taking are memories that will never be forgotten. I love pictures they tell a story that you will always remember. No matter how many you take they are all precious. I love to scrapbook, I hope the signs and pictures will all make it in to a book that you will treasure and use to share, your little miracle, with all around you.
I am so happy you all are celebrating Grayson's 5th day. We are all are constantly keeping everyone in our thoughts and prayers. Stay strong and enjoy your blessed miracle from above.
I agree with the comment that it is humbling that God has allowed you to take part in this miracle. I feel humbled to have been led to share in this with you. It has opened me up to see life in a much more meaningful way. What I feel is beyond explanation...truly spiritual. I hope you feel the love and support of all of us who are witnessing your grace filled experience with Grayson.
Your little baby Grayson is beautiful and has touched my heart today. I came over from Waiting for Happy and am so glad I did.
The slideshow of Grayson was beautiful.
I've lost three children - Samuel and Josiah were baby boys who died in 1992 and 1995. Anna was 6 and died in 2004. I'm sorry you've been chosen for such a painful trial - God has a special plan for your family.
Enjoy these days with your precious son.
Dancing Barefoot on Weathered Ground
Grayson is the miracle monkey!!! Praying so hard for you guys.
Kristi and Taylor,
Been checking on you guys through mom and aunt wanda. Just now getting to get online. Iternet at home is down. Anyway, Grayson is absolutley precious!! I love the birthday parties everyday and the little monkies. I am so happy that you have had this special time with him that you did not get with Kinsey. I pray for many many more days. I wish I could be there to see him and you. Ya'll have been in my thoughts and prayers on a daily basis. I think I prayed stronger than I have prayed in a long time the night before you went in to have him. I prayed for a miracle! I love you guys. Kristi, your strength is amazaing and I pray God continues to keep you strong. Love you. Paige
You and your husband are such a blessing to me and your faith is so overwhelming. God bless little Grayson. Our prayers are with you. Rebekah Fortenberry Worley
I am so glad you made it 5 days! Keep proving everyone wrong little man! I hope your parents have to add another room for all the monkeys that you keep getting!
Stay strong Gray man! You too Mommy and Daddy!
Brookhaven, MS
Rejoicing with you at Grayson's 5-day birthday; sending up prayers on your behalf!
I just found your Blog and I have tears rolling down my face. You guys are AMAZING! What a wonderful time you seem to be having, celebrating every day, isn't that something we should ALL do everyday?
I will keep your family in my prayers.
Happy 5th Day, Grayson!
I thought of and prayed for you and your parents as these words were sung in our morning service today:
"Wonderful, Glorious, Holy and Righteous! Victorious, Conqueror, Triumphant and Mighty! Healer, Deliver, Shield and Defense - Strong Tower and My Best Friend! Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Soon Coming King! Alpha, Omega, Lord of Everything - Holy, Holy, Holy is your name!"
Our love to all of you as you continue this time together.
Blessings on you -
Rebecca Janes
Thanks for the blogs! We are praying for Grayson!! How blessed he is to have parents who are relentless in their love for him!!
Way to go monkey!! Sounds like you are super lucky to have such a great mommy and daddy. "hang" in there little guy.
Kellie Dowd
Happy 5 days big man! Stop worrying mommy and daddy by turning purple...not a cool trick. That green sock monkey is adorable.
I've read through old posts on your blog, and seen the slideshow of the birth photos (they are BEAUTIFUL!).
I know that you will never regret having Grayson in your life, and allowing him his full time here with you in this world. He is such a beautiful boy, a blessing.
I am praying for strength and comfort as you go through these difficult days, and that you have all the support you need to carry you.
I just found your blog today from My Charming Kids and I just want you to know that my family is praying for you and sweet little Grayson. I love the monkey birthday parties!
Happy Birthday Grayson!! I loved the video you posted and continue to pray for you all. You are absolutely amazing...Grayson is precious!
Stacy Featherston
He looks like he is loving laying on your chest that way! That was always my babies favorites position when they were small and it makes you feel so close to them also. Praying for you all!!!!!
Miracles do happen. I enjoy the updates on your blog everyday! We are praying for Grayson and your family too!
God Bless!
I just found your blog and your journey has been rough but I pray that you find your strength and joy in the Lord for He is your Rock and Salvation!
Happy Birthday Grayson
You and your husband are such an inspiration. Our church family is praying for little Grayson. My heart breaks everytime I think of what your family has been through, just remember that God is with you always. Our thoughts and prayers are with you,
George and Robyn Linton
I'm So happy to see little man Grayson's 5day B-day pics. I'm praying for tomorrow and through the night. I wish I could see his little legs in person. From here it sure does look like he got Taylor's hams. I love ya'll so much.
Thank you for sharing your amazing, touching story. So happy you could spend some close and special time with your sweet little boy. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Happy 5 Day Birthday, Grayson! I have been praying so much for you. I think of you all day long and pray for your mommy and daddy. You are a strong and brave little boy. You are such a sweet blessing!
You rock Grayson. Happy 5 days. Mom and dad - blessings to you both. Keeping the prayers up in Virginia Sherry McCormick
What a precious miracle baby you have. I have been praying for him every day.
How much does he weigh? Has he opened his eyes yet?
Wishing a happy five day birthday to the little man! So beautiful and precious. A total gift from Heaven. I checked up on Gray early this afternoon before I had to head out and as I started to watch the video of his birthday party I realized I had to take a break before the mascara was completely down my face. It was so emotional for me, I can only imagine how you and your family are feeling. I just adore your sweet babe.
Happy 5th Day birthday Gray!!! We love you!
I have been praying for you and will continue to do so. Enjoy this precious time with your miracle monkey man.
Gray is my favorite color!
Happy 5th day Grayson.
Lauren in TX
Happy 5 day Birthday Grayson! Praying for you and your Mommy and daddy xx
Happy Day 5 Birthday Grayson! Praying for you and your mommy and daddy!
"Little Man" I like that name. I dropped by to say we should all enjoy every minute God gives us. Love to the max and never stop. The Joys of Mommy sent me by to visit.
We serve an awesome God.
Even though I have prayed for Grayson and your family even before he was born, this is the first time I have left a comment. I will continue to pray for you everyday. So sorry for the loss of your sweet Grayson.
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