Seems Grayson even has monkey evening attire. I sure wish the picture of his outfit would come up... it would explain the title a little better.
I must admit this is the most I said monkey and not minkey. We've always called them minkeys for some reason. Who knows why. Since I'm giving up secrets I might as well tell y'all that I never call my wife by her real name; Kristi. I've called her Bizkit since before we were married. SSSSHHHH don't tell her I told you.
Anyway, hopefully Gray's new pictures will come up. So you can see how good he is doing this evening. We went back down to 2L on his o2 and he seems really calm. He has spent most of the day laying on mine or BIZKIT's chest. I'm not sure who likes it more, me or him. I can rub on his little chicken legs and play with his feet.
We are all gearing up to watch Grayson's cousin in one of his biggest fights yet. Grayman's cousin fights in the UFC. His name is Alan Belcher. He's had a good number of fights in the UFC so far and has done well. Gray sent him a text message earlier and gave him a little message from one fighter to another. Good luck Alan!
I just sit here not knowing what to say. I have typed and deleted multiple times. All I know to tell you is that I love you and I pray for the three of you. Just stay strong and "shimmy" thru each precious minute you have with Grayson.
So glad to hear Grayson is on 2lpm and more comfortable! GOOD LUCK ALAN!
Just saw the most recent post and and love hearing that Monkey Man is having a good evening! Chris thinks it's a clear sign that your boy is a UFC fan...
Well, even Grayson "Monkey Man" Thompson thought Alan got robbed! Good fight Alan, we all know who really won.
Kristi,Taylor,and Grayson,
I'm thinking about you all often and sending up a prayer everytime you all come to mind. How precious that little guys is! Thank-you guys for keeping us up-to-date. What a blessing tonight to hear your good report. Happy to know he is comfortable (and snuggly).
~Donna Williams
I agree, it's great that Monkey Man is down to 2L. I want to see his little monkey and his new monkey!
Good luck to G's cousin.
Also, I am sure your lovely wife will love to hear that you've shared her nickname with the world. :)
my son loves monkeys!! praying tonight
Wow, eventful 24 hours. I am SO happy it all turned out well. Grayson, hang in there little man. Happy 4 day birthday. Kristi, you are an amazing woman with amazing strength. God bless you all!
Can't wait to check back each day to see what Grayson got for his birthday. You keep fighting, I'll keep sending up prayers.
I am so glad you two are getting this precious monkey time...I am praying for you, and for your sweet baby....may God give you grace to bear this....
So happy to hear Grayson is having a good evening, love the outfit! Will be praying you guys have a good night. God Bless.
Awww, I love the monkey butt! I'm so thankful that you still have precious little Grayson with you. He is obviously a fighter, and surrounded by love!
I think your family everyday round noon time and hope and pray that your are celebrating one more day. I'm a stranger but have quickly grown to love your sweet baby. May god continue to bless you with many more days! Stay strong sweet baby. You have lots of people praying for you :)
Been following your story here from duPont Children's hospital in Delaware. I praise God every time I see that you are getting this time with your precious boy.
Jamie, Chad, and baby Milo
P.S. We were just given that same onesie, and I'll think of Grayson each time we use it!
Loving the oxygen improvement and the outfit!!!!! Praying for you all. Love you Gray Man!
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