so finally, here they are:
First of all, these are a few pictures from Gray's "Celebration of Life".
There were a few friends asking to see what we did at the end of his service... so here are a couple of videos.
I also thought I would show something that was done for us by our Church Family at Johnson Grove. We had the idea to make an area at the cemetary where people could sit and arrange their flowers, or just sit and think and pray. My Grandma had some benches she gave us, and my family took them out to the cemetary. The enterence gate is directley behind Kinsey's (and now Grayson too) stone... the benches were placed in the corner to the right when you walk in the gate. We wanted to put a cement slab down, and a marker to honor the memory of our children.
My parents had mentioned this to some people at church... to see how they liked the idea. We were planning on waiting until later in the year to have the slab poured under the benches.
To show how great our Church Family is...
My Grandma and Aunt had gone to the cemetary while my parents were in Arkansas with us. They called us and said that someone had poured the cement under the benches...and it looked great! They even put washed rock in the cement and white rocks all around the edges... it is truly a beautiful area now.
God has blessed us with so many good people in our lives. We can never repay all the love and support that has been shown to us all.
The area was beautiful at Grayson's "Celebration", and we owe it all to our family at Johnson Grove. Thank you all so very much.
Taylor and I took Ladybug's to the church for Gray and Kinsey before we left Mississippi. We couldn't even think of leaving without delivering Ladybugs. I believe GrayMan likes them too.
When we went to Dallas, we let a Monkey Balloon go for Gray and Kinsey. We were at Kenny's place and he got to be there with us to let them go. It was a pretty windy day in Dallas that day, and they really just took off. There is something so relaxing and beautiful watching those balloons climb out of sight....

Taylor made a video of us releasing the balloons... only problem is that he did the video sideways. There may be a way to rotate it, but if there is...I can't figure it out. I opted to put the video on here anyway. Sorry its sideways!
I am so thankful that you all have a great support system to help you through these difficult time. I imagine that it does make a huge difference. Here's hoping for God's best for you in everything.
PS: You'll HAVE to let us know when you get a response from the balloon tags!
I get so emotional everytime I visit your blog. The pictures of you with your little ones are incredibly special and although I have not been much of one to pray throughout my life, I find myself praying faithfully since reading your blog. I truly pray that God will bring peace to your life and the blessings you are both so deserving of in the future. Thank you for sharing with us...
What a tribute. I am sure your babies are looking down on you and they are so proud of their parents! I have been following you since Grayson was born and I pray for you still. God did great things with Gray.
You have experienced what no parents should have to, twice and my heart aches for you. I am so sorry for the losses, the way you honor their lives is inspiring. What a great momma you are!
What a beautiful service and tribute to Grayson. I am amazed by your composure and thoughtfulness to every detail. I think of you daily and pray for peace and strength for you, and most of all that you will one day have a healthy baby living in your home to pour all your love onto. I can tell you from experience that with time your pain will get easier. I left a comment on an earlier post, but I too, am the mom of a trisomy 18 baby. We never got to bring our daughter home, but we do now have a healthy almost 1 year old. Just know that you are blessed to have spent those 5 precious days with your little Gray Man.
Thank you for sharing with us such a special moment. I hope some of those balloons never come back down, but go all the way to Heaven for Gray and Kinsey to hold on to.
What a wonderful gesture your church family made in building that lovely seating area. So special and thoughtful.
The benches are beautiful. I'm sure they are used way more than you'll ever know. Macey is so darn cute with those balloons. I'm sure she too misses Gray...
Kinsey and Grayson are so lucky to have you as parents. Really. It's so touching the way that you have honored their lives, whether they be on earth or in Heaven. I agree about the balloons! One of my favorite pictures from my daughter's burial is of a balloon that got stuck in a tree. I love to call it, 'The One that Wouldn't Let Go'. The part about your church friends making that seating area literally brought tears to my eyes. What a blessing to have friends like that!
How beautiful! Thank you for sharing with us. I know you do not know me but I have prayed for you and your family during this time. I am a mommy of 4 angels and I know how important it is to have support and it looks like you are surrounded by love! I am praying for you on the journey that I know you didnt choose but I just wanted to say that you are a such a imspiration to me and I know so many other. I will be praying that each day you wake up God will fill you will strength, love and guidance. Prayers!!
I loved seeing the ladybugs. I drove by the cemetary on Wednesday and saw some flowers there. They were beautiful.
Your church family is very special.
It's been a couple months since I have looked at your website, so I was shocked to learn that little Grayson was born. Such a cute baby. I'm so glad you and Taylor had those glorious 5 days with him. The photos are beautiful.
We pray for you and your family.
The Purkey's
Beautiful, just so beautiful. It is so wonderful to have such a wonderful support network. Your babies are so lucky to have a mother like you. I have only suffered loss once, but twice....mama you are my hero. You still hold such beauty. I appluad you.
Thanks for sharing the video and pictures. Your family continues to be in my throughts and prayers.
Gorgeous! I am so sorry for you losses! I am praying for you and your family!!
You are still in my prayers! Your story has touched my life so greatly. I'm so thankful for each day that I have! God has been so good to me. I watched your videos and cried thinking, "It's not supposed to be this way, God." However, now we know that God is rocking to sweet babies in HIS arms! I pray that God uses you all to touch many more people in this world.
Just thought I would let you know you have a award on my blog.
I knew what released balloons looked like, but at that moment in the video when they were breaking free and lost in the sun, I found myself crying like a baby.
Keep dropping by to see how you're doing. I guess it's a bit strange since I don't know you personally, but you're frequently on my mind and I often wish I could call and say, "Hey lady... how's it going?" or, "I know you're probably not ready to talk, but is there anything I can do to help you guys out this week?"... Anyway, just wanted to let you know you're still on my mind and in my prayers!
Kristi and Taylor,
I continue to think about you guys and pray for you. I am going to be planting my butterfly garden soon. I am sure it will grow like crazy and have some pretty lady bugs and butterflys. I will send you pictures. Next year when you come to dallas you will have to stop by and get some flowers because it will be growing like crazy. Take care of each other.
Misty Crone
That is so beautiful! I know what it feels like to loose a baby. My brother was born last september with a heart problem transpisiton of the great arteries. He had sugery but had many complications with his heat. I told the doctor in Feburary that I want him home by April because thats my birthday. A week later Maverick did not get to come home he passed away when he was 5 months old. God had a reason though. I love reading your blog. Madeline 12 years
I just came to your blog from kelly's korner. I just wanted you guys to know that I hope God truly brings you peace. I just could NOT imgaine having to go through what you 2 have. I don't know you at all but I am in tears for you & I am praying for you. I guess that is all a part of the power of God. Good luck to you in your future endeavors. And you will see your babies again one day!
I'm Maddie's mom. I found your blog after our baby Maverick died as a link from Lindsey S's blog. She was one of our favorite nurses in the PICU - she loved Mav. We had many favorites there. They became like family since we were there for so long (Sept til Dec - transferred to OKC in Dec). I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine losing two sweet babies. I've had such a hard time losing our one sweet boy. Know that your in my prayers. If you ever want to talk, scream, cry, whatever, send me a message and we'll be in touch. Godspeed, Juli (we used that song for the slide-show at Maverick's funeral)
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