The trip was a long one. It took us about 6 and a half hours to get here. Bizkit hadn't had a lot of time to read comments on Kinsey's blog, so she read all of the last comments out loud. It took us a few hours just to read all the comments... at that time there were over 160 on the last update. There were a few pauses for tears here and there. So to answer a question from one of Gray Man's fans... I've read every comment. It may take Bizkit a while, but she intends to do the same.
A few people have asked if there is a place they could send a card and some even asked if there was somewhere they could send a monkey for the Gray Man. We set up a P.O. box in Brookhaven where we will be for the week. Kristi's dad and uncle both work at the post office and will be able to pick up any of Gray's mail. Although Kristi and I will only be here for the week, Grayson "Monkey Man" Thompson's P.O. box will be manned for 6 months by his Grandpa and his Uncle Mark.
Grayson Thomas Thompson
P.O. Box 4025
Brookhaven, MS 39603
Our plan is not really set from here. We plan on having services for Gray on Saturday to give our families time to get here. There's a few loose ends we have to tie up and a lot of picture printing to be done. There's a little redheaded angel we plan on visiting frequently while we are here as well.
I'm so used to posting pictures of Grayson I almost can't post without a picture. This on always makes me smile when I see it. I took this a couple days after we got home last year from Kinsey's funeral. For those who may not know, I bought Macey for Bizkit on the way home from Mississippi to help her occupy the time. Everytime people look at this picture they tell me how cute she is and want to know how I got her to wave for the camera. The truth is I was a terrible "Dad" to Macey when I took the picture. She was actually stepping through the railing and ended up a foot below in the flower bed. So there you have it, enjoy the picture and try to imagine that some folks actually thought I could get a 12 week old Jack Russell puppy to wave for pictures!
I know you don't know me, but I came to your site through Kelly's Korner. My heart goes out to you and your family during this unfathomably painful time. Grayson looked like such a precious little "monkey man". I loved looking at all the pictures, and the post-delivery slideshow was breathtakingly beautiful. I know you all will treasure those memories forever. Every child is such an amazing blessing from God.
May God hold you forever close in his tight grip and may he comfort you the way no one else can. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers in the coming days.
Gray Man touched my life in a very special way. Thank you for sharing his life with me! I will continue to pray for all of you. God bless you!
Ellen Gates
Thomasville, AL
praying for you and your family...
I am so touched by your story. You are in my prayers.. lessings to you.
Seeing you celebrate the days you had with your son was so touching. Praying for peace for you and your family.
You do not know me, but I found your blog through Kelly's Korner a few weeks before your little man was born. I have found myself waking up at night thinking about ya'll and wondering how Grayson was doing. I have been praying for you and your family. I cannot imagine what you are going through. God Bless you and your little angels. I bet Gray Man got the biggest hug from Kinsey last night!!! I will continue to pray for you.
I admire you both. Such a hard thing to go through. I have lost 2 babies myself, but they were both around 6 weeks and a miscarriage. But, I can't wait to meet them in Heaven someday. I know this is a personal question one, you may not want to answer now, or may not have discussed but, Will you try and have more children?
Continuing to pray for peace and healing and be proud that God chose you to love and be parents to Grayson and Kinsey. God knew them before they were born and someone had to be their parents and I pray you feel honored that he chose you! Luke 12:6-8
Taylor & Kristi,
Just wanted to let you know how you've touch everyone at the Heart that works with Taylor. I know your pain is unbearable and I wanted to let you know that our hearts hurt for the both of you and will keep you in our prayers during the next few days, weeks and however long we need to. I would love to meet you some day, Taylor is so proud of you, and always talked so lovinly of you.
I have been following your story only a few weeks from a link on Kelly's Korner, but I have shared it with many people in those 21 or so days. I cannot help but be heartbroken for the two of you. I wish I knew what to say to a couple of strangers who seem (to me) to be the strongest people on Earth. I keep asking myself why a pair of such loving, devoted, Christian, positive people I have never even met have had to go through the loss of two babies. I can't seem to come up with the answer. I guess God just needed a couple fresh, new, little angels to help do His work. I will continue to think of you both in the coming days, months, and years. I hope God blesses you with an abundance of blessings. Take care!
I know you really don't know me that well, but I've been thinking about you all everyday and praying for you. Your aunt was in the store (Expectations) today & gave me the update (which I hated to hear) and your blog page. I have never seen such celebration for life as you all have done for Grayson's 5 beautiful days. I am amazed at the faith & strength you all have. The photographers slideshow was just beautiful and I know you will cherish those forever
My heart & soul ache for you as you take this all too familiar journey with your Grayson (I have a 5 year old son named Grayson; and have a friend in McComb who had a baby Grayson for about a week too before he was called home.) I have cried the entire time I have read your blog & I can't even begin to imagine your pain, but know you are in God's hands as well as in all our hearts.
If there is anything I can do for you, please don't hesitate to call.
Emily Allen Childress
Big hugs to you. You don't know me, but baby girl was stillborn last year due to Trisomy 18. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy, and especially not to parents who have already lost one child. I know nothing I can say right now will help you, but I just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you.
Prayers continue for your family.
Although I have never met you or Grayson I find myself grieving with you today. I have been following your story the last few weeks and checked your blog early this morning. I am deeply saddened to hear that Grayson has gone to be with Kinsey. I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine how difficult this must be for you all, yet I find comfort in knowing that Jesus and his big sister Kinsey were waiting for him at the gates of heaven.
As I'm writing this I am listening to the song, "I Can Only Imagine" by Mercy Me and I am imagining Grayson surrounded by his glory, dancing with Jesus and Kinsey.
Prayers for you and Kristi as you endure the painful process of burying another child.
All my love from a stranger in Washington State.
I'm also part of the 'you don't know me' crowd, but I read your blog, but I just wanted to know how much you have completely touched mine and many other families' lives, all four of you. My heart is going out to your family, and I am praying for you.
Also, I'm not sure if you have read this, but this came up on and it actually made me want to check your blog (made me think of you), it just seemed like a sign that Kinsley was sending you guys some lady bugs when you needed them most..
Again take care, sending prayers (and virtual lady bugs!)
I'm sorry, that was actually a typo, I did know your daughters name is 'Kinsey' and not 'Kinsley', sorry about that.
I've been thinking of you all often over the last day! I am praying that you feel some sort of peace and that it comforts you to know that many people you don't even know love your son and prayed for him! He found a place in my heart and made a difference in my life!!!! I'm thinking of you all in the days to come!!!!
I came across your blog through Kristi at "Waiting for Happy", and I am so glad I got the chance to "meet" Grayson. Thank you for sharing his life with us and I will continue to pray for your family as you grieve!!
PS- cute dog... I grew up with a very spunky,wired jack-russell and there was never a dull moment!!!
I love you guys and will be there whenever you need us. We are praying everyday for your peace. I'm so grateful you got to make 5 (and almost 1/2) days of memories with Grayson. See you soon.
Sara and Wade
I have posted several comments on your posts and could not resist another. I have been praying and thinking of your family often. Gray man is now with Kinsey. I pray for God's healing power to surround you and Kristi and both of your families.
May God Bless,
The Beach Family (from TN)
You turned hopelessness into something so beautiful that has touched so many lives.
"Somebody's Praying You Through"
I am so sorry for your loss. I have family in Brookhaven. My Uncle and Pawpaw are also Pastors there if you need anything. Prayers for you and your family.
Gray Man and the two of you have affected and touched so many, many lives. Keeping you so close in all of my prayers today and in the many days ahead. Thank you for sharing your angels with us.
thinking about you during this time. little "monkey-man" was such a fighter. prayers are with you guys..thank you for sharing your journey, he touched so many.
Hey Guys...well we all knew that little Monkey Mans life would be short, however, 5 days seems unreal. You both know how much I love you guys. If I could make this any easier I would do it in a heartbeat. I'm with Jenn Harper, I just wish I had been able to meet sweet Grayson. I have some monkeys for him and I will get them to you. Please know that we are praying for you guys once again.
Love you both,
Heather and Tristin Harper
I am sure this is (again) one of the most difficult events in your life. You seem so at peace. No matter what the event is in this world, we need more peace. Thank you for bringing a bit more of peace into my heart today.
Peace handsome Monkey boy! :)
and Peace sweet big sister too.
Your story has really touched me.. I spent a good while last night reading through your blog about Grayson's birth and life... I lost my daughter in April, she had Trisomy 18 too. We didn't know about her condition until the day she was born, my head was spinning. She lived for 15 days in the NICU and we spent every minute with her that we could. I'm so glad your family had five days wwith your little guy, you can sure tell that he is very loved!
I am so sorry! Sometimes there are just no right words. I am praying the the peace of Jesus' love will comfort your broken hearts! I just watched your video and Grayson is a little angel! So sweet. Praying for you in Ohio.
I'm a passer by and wanted you to know that we here in Oregon are praying for you all. Lots of hugs!! Julie Freudenthal
Macey is adorable, and I am sure a Jack Russel puppy is an excellent way to occupy anyone's time!
Thank you for posting your PO Box address. You guys are in my thoughts and prayers.
I have the perfect monkey picture holder that I made it will be perfect to hold a picture of Grayson! May the Lord bless your family through the rough times ahead!
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