This monkey was huddled up next to her headstone clutching a ladybug. It's hard to see because our flashlight was pretty pitiful. We figured her mom would take credit when we made it back to the house, but she didn't know about it. For now he is a mystery monkey! Thank you whoever delivered him to keep Kinsey company until Saturday.
We also got to see the seating area that was made by some of the Johnson Grove Church members. There are two benches placed on a washed stone concrete pad. It looks really very nice. There wasn't a place to sit at the cemetery before, but now there is a great area by the entrance closest to Kinsey's site. Thanks to those who supplied the concrete and took the time to fix a seating area.
Gray Man's services are set now. Visitation will be held Friday July 17th at Riverwood Family Funeral Services in Bogue Chitto, MS from 5 p.m. until 7 p.m. His celebration of life will be held at Saturday July 18th at Johnson Grove Church of Christ in Bogue Chitto, MS at 1 p.m. There is still much planning to be done, but the times are now set. Thanks again for all the support and prayers.
Someone was very thoughtful and loving to leave that at Kinsey's grave. Such acts of kindness mean so much when you are hurting. Many people care about you and even though I do not know you personally, my heart is with you.
What a sweet gift.
Kristi and Taylor,
You have been on our church prayer list and as people have asked about yall I can't help but share how God answered Kristi's prayers. From the time yall found out about Grayson Kristi said her prayers were to carry him to as close to term as possible, bring him home and that he not suffer. God did all three of those just for yall. You have been such faithful children of God through every thing you have been through. I continue to read all of the blogs people have written and it still blows me away all the blogs from people who don't even know yall and how much of a witness all of this has been to so many people all over the world. Kristi and Taylor I know you have so many decisions and planning to do but I hope you can some how get caught up on some much needed sleep. Kristi I'm sure your eyes did not shut much during your five wonderful days with Grayson. I pray for you that you can get some rest before this weekend.
Love you,
Holly McCreary
what a thoughtful gift.
How incredibly sweet!!!!
That is so thoughtful and special. Praying for you both...
Your family has touched hearts all over the world. The monkey was a way others can show that they care and share in your grief as well as celebrate Gray man's beautiful life! May God Bless You during this difficult time
West Virginia
What a thoughtful gift! I shared with you the other day that I pulled out my old Sock Monkey and sat him in my prayer corner so that I would be reminded to pray for Grayson everyday ( not that I really needed reminding because you have been on my mind constantly) But he was there anyway :-) His name was Monky btw ( yeah I know I wasnt very creative as a 3 year old )Well my son found him and has been draggin him around everywhere. So Grayson has inspired the love of monkeys all over and everytime I see that little sock monkey I think of your sweet family and the beautiful life that Grayson had in his 5 sweet days. I will be praying extra for tomorrow's celebration of Grayson.
What a thoughtful present. It must have been so exciting for you to see that when you drove up. Clearly someone was thinking of you. :)
sweet friend. i know we share a bond that defies the fact that we have never met. i wanted you to know that i am praying for you, and when you get a minute, please check your email. i am going to send you something that i hope will minister to you.
know that you are prayed for, and that i am with you in spirit.
with deepest sorrow and love,
angie smith
Kristi and Taylor,
You all continue to be heavy on my mind and in my prayers. Also sending much love and prayers from your co-workers at the Call Center.
I wasn't aware of the special PO box you've set up...so you have a card from us waiting at your house for your return.
God bless,
Donna W.
thinking of you and praying for your family
That is so thoughtful and sweet.
We continue to hold you and your families in our thoughts and prayers here in the Goss household.
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